Monday, June 17, 2013


The Spanish city of Segovia is renowned for two things: its suckling pig and its aqueduct. The aqueduct was the first on our agenda, and it was really quite gorgeous. Spain has Roman aspects to its history as well as Moorish and Jewish. Spain was a Roman outpost during the age of the Roman Empire, and Carlos V of Spain actually became the first Holy Roman Emperor. Therefore, it’s not too hard to understand why a very Roman aqueduct would be in the middle of a Spanish city. There’s also a mythological aspect to the aqueduct that I enjoyed as well. The legend goes that one of the women in the village (Segovia) was tired of constantly bringing water to her village. She proceeded to take the next logical step and sign her soul away to the devil if he could build a method of transporting water to the village before sunrise. The devil worked all night, and built the aqueduct that we see today. However, there was a single point missing from one of the arcs, and because of that the woman got to keep her soul. I guess the lesson is that the devil’s not that smart and is pretty easy to cheat. Anyways, the aqueduct is huge and really cool to look at from the side, with a statue of the Virgin Mary directly in the center. Another sight that we got to see was from the top of the castle that inspired Disneyworld. From there, you can see 4 beautiful views of Segovia and the terrain that surrounds it. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to try the suckling pig, but I’ve heard that it’s pretty good so I guess that’s enough for me.
Yeah I think it's weird too.

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